face it skin care campaign

Branding • Packaging • Illustration • Typography • Web • Marketing

Institution: Tyler School of Art & Architecture, Temple University

Art Direction: Soonduk Krebs

Spring 2022

For my thesis project I created a skincare line that focuses on a self help campaign. Face it is a skincare line that promotes self care and self love through words of affirmations and clean products. As someone who loves doing things to better my mental health from taking care of my plants, reading, walking to taking care of my skin. Branding my own skincare line will show my passion and personal journey to self love.

Unfortunately, more people experience self doubt rather than self love, nearly 85% and most of this percentage is young women. Since many women often use skin care products to help self doubt and as a self care mechanism, I wanted to combine both self care and self love to help people praise themselves more.

behind the name and branding

With this brand I wanted to keep a light and airy feel and bring attention to the botanical design and uplifting words on the products. Although the branding is minimal, I chose an impactful name that emphasizes the confidence you feel when using the products. I wanted to show that you are able to face anything when you use our moisturizers or serums and bring your positive attributes into fruition.


Unlike other skincare products I wanted to focus the product names on words of affirmations that will uplift the users mood when using the products. I used repetition in my type design to show the importance of saying these words aloud several times as they are applying their skincare in the mirror so it will help their mood throughout the day and night. Doing so can drastically change your mindset by allowing you to believe in yourself and encourages high motivation.

ingredient post cards

other deliverables

website and online campaign

In addition I created an online campaign to further explain the brands mission and break down the ingredients in the products. I continued the light and airy branding throughout the website by using minimal color and focus on the meaning of the brand.

web walkthrough

advertising posters

I created a series of posters that would advertise the campaign and skincare brand. These would show the products as well as the brands mission. I wanted to combine the positive wording with photography to make the campaign even relatable and impactful. With this brand I want to encourage self love to young woman thus emphasizing that in the poster series.

social media campaign

I also marketed the brand on instagram to connect more users with one another. Not only did I want to show the instagram campaign as a tool to market the brand, but I also wanted it to be an additional source for help. I wanted to use this platform to showcase stories from users and find strength in connecting to others who may have trouble with self doubt.

branding guidelines


the secret garden